The holiday takes good, very good planning!

The holiday

After an exhausting year, often considered the holidays as a salutary pause, necessarily relaxing and fulfilling. But how to take full advantage and make long the benefits? Explanations Philippe Chavanne, author of The holidays are health !, which appears on Thursday.

We are waiting impatiently. It is projected away from the office, material constraints and routine. The long-awaited vacation is a time to relax, make exotic discoveries or simply laze with a good book. According to Philippe Chavanne, author of The vacation is health! (Ed. Hugo & Cie, published June 2, 2016), it is nevertheless possible to enjoy better, making her leave the prelude to a more rewarding year, calmer and more serene. Here are five suggestions to prolong the positive effects throughout the year.

Stop blaming

You are embarrassed at the idea that your colleagues bûchent while you're at the beach? You feel guilty delegating an important issue when you travel abroad? Try to convince you: nobody is indispensable permanently.

"At one moment to another of year, everyone -without any exceptional feel the need to take a few days or weeks of vacation. These are legitimate and necessary," said Philippe Chavanne.

"To ignore or overlook the signs that indicate a holiday need real can have serious consequences on the general welfare, health, family and social relations, but also on the concentration and productivity at work," he resumes .

"Contrary to what is sometimes tries to make believe, take a vacation is as profitable to the company in terms of re-motivation, re-focus, re-energizing." so do not embarrass yourself scruples facing the possible long faces of your colleagues. Learn not to pull the rope too and confess that leave are needed, not be slowpoke, it's just human.

Optimize his departure

It is an infernal circle that many of us know: crowded public transport, work pressure and feeling of never having time to do everything. In contrast to this fast-paced, the holidays are emerging as an idealized horizon, a relaxing bubble.

But to enjoy it, careful preparation is required upstream. It does not hesitate to do to get a detailed list resuming our various requirements, professional and private, before leaving. At work, we made the point with its main interlocutors. We wrote an email referring the absence hurry to the box of our colleagues.

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